It’s no secret that having a Facebook page is important. But are you doing enough to ensure your fans are engaged?
Whether you post an image, meme, selfie, groupie, or video, your goal is to have it noticed.
The maximum number of friends you can have on Facebook is 5000. Let’s say your fan has 1000 friends and 50% of them posted a Facebook update.
Do a simple math.
Your fan will get a rough estimate of 500 posts on his timeline.
Do you think your post will get noticed?
So what is your Facebook page lacking? Could it be better? Keep reading to learn exactly what your Facebook page needs to help your digital marketing strategy.
Consistently responding to fans’ posts and comments
Are you or someone on your team consistently responding to fans’ posts and comments?
While we’re busy posting new things on our Facebook page and doing research on what to post, we tend to leave this part behind. Here are the reasons why you might ignore your Page’s comments:
- Afraid to reply negative feedback
- Receiving too many comments
- Run out of script
- Having no idea in handling the comments
When you let those reasons stop you from responding to comments, it’s a sign of weakness.
So how can you build better relationships with Facebook fans — and also get them to engage with you?
Start replying to comments and be there when your fans talk to you. Below is a screenshot of how it is great to reply in every comment.

Tag your friends
Tagging is one of the features of social media platforms has ever made. You can see that on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
Because it’s actionable.
Remember first and foremost what Facebook is used for—connecting with people you know.
Asking your fans to tag their friends spurs higher engagement. It expose you to a new audience to increase your following, and it will increase your comments within that first hour of posting.
Tag A Friend Who is a great example of Facebook page that does the tagging a friend a strategy.
Below is the example of post did just that, posting a meme – another good tactic! – of a drunk person. Then, it asked everybody to tag somebody they know who acts like that. The response – shares and likes – were in the hundreds.

Leverage Facebook Live
Do you wish more people interacted with your Facebook video?
Facebook Live is one of the top Facebook contents in 2017.
While Facebook gives priority to video in the news feed, Live video ranks even higher. According to Facebook, people spend triple the amount of time watching a video when it’s live, because of the nature of live content: it’s exciting, in-the-moment, and the next best thing to being there.
The good thing about Facebook Live is when you started a Facebook live, all your friends will get notified.
The moment they receive the notification, they can easily join your Facebook Live and participate.
Protip: Don’t forget to ask viewers to share, comment or like your broadcast, or to follow your page if they have come in via a recommendation.
Pay Attention To Your Reviews
Do you monitor and engage with Facebook Reviews for your business page?
True enough. Not all business owners or marketers respond or engage with Facebook reviews in any way.
This led me to wonder:
Do Filipinos restaurants know where to find Facebook reviews?
Here’s how to find it:
- It’s part of a timeline. They allow your followers to comment on their experience with your business and assign you a star rating.
- They are located on the upper-right hand side of your page under your cover pic.
- Reviews are categorized into three: most helpful, most recent, and star rating.

Your review rating is important. Facebook’s algorithm has a component which uses this to determine whether or not your business is eligible to appear in your fan’s news feed. The higher the rating, the higher the reach!
Protip: Make Facebook page review work for you by always responding whether it’s positive or negative.
These are just a few things that can help create a highly engaged Facebook page. What are you waiting for? Make sure your Facebook page is holding up and doing the best it can to help you build customer relationships.
...Real estate is a huge industry in the Philippines.
According to Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), during the year to Q1 2016, the nationwide residential real estate price index rose by 9.2% (8% inflation-adjusted).
In this case, there’s a big opportunity for real estate agents or even brokers to get homebuyers in whatever way it is: traditional or digital.
Real estate agents are very good in executing marketing strategies offline. You’ll see them handing out flyers and brochures in different places. They do everything under the sun to get prospects agreed to have a site tripping with them.
EmergeLocal was invited last June 2, 2017 to speak in front of Fiesta Communities Central Sales team.
The mini event featured EmergeLocal’s very own CEO, Richard Noromor to tackle digital marketing. The aim is to help real estate agents utilize personal branding and web application tools to get qualified prospects and turn them into homebuyers.

After his talk, the activity started. It was a group activity that let them use social media to create an engaging, human-centric, and storytelling posts.
More than 25 attendees were present and actively engaging with the speaker.
To see more photos of the event, click here.
...How can your content break through the noise?
How do you influence the people around you with your brand?
Storytelling is an experience. People don’t outgrow stories, we love stories, because they’re part of the human condition.
In the age of the Facebook “News Feed” overload, marketers and businesses can implement different strategies to make their content stand out and capture the attention of Facebook users.
Think about this.
Your potential customers might be in the midst of doing errands and will take out a few minutes to scroll through their News Feed. Their attention span is so small that they will likely skip anything uninteresting.
So in that case, coming up with content that’s not just creative but also worth engaging from beginning to end.
If your company finds itself in similar waters, below are three ways to grow your business through content marketing storytelling.
Cover Photo
According to the Content Marketing Institute, “content marketing is about developing the story of us.” However, the story is not just about your brand, mission and purpose.
Cover photo is part of the Facebook timeline. Facebook timeline is a canvas to paint your brand story.
Nokia features a unique, attractive image as the cover photo. Two women hugging each other denotes a very powerful emotion.

Here’s another one from Disney, it’s a 20 second video clip of the new movie, Pirates of the Caribbean. Putting a sneak peek of what you can offer is a great way to tell a story.

Facebook 360
Facebook 360 launched in 2015, first with video capability, and then photo functionality in 2016.
Brands are using 360-degree videos for everything from marketing to education and simply connecting with their audience in new ways.
ABC News has shown versatility in the types of stories they have been able to utilize 360 technology for. Below is the video taken in Nepal last 2015.

To upload a Facebook 360 video, you may follow the steps here.
Facebook Live
By now you’ve surely seen plenty of Facebook Live videos from friends, family, and brands you follow.
Does live video even work? That’s the question I frequently hear from individual creators to major media companies.
Facebook Live has become a tool for citizen journalists documenting violence, protests, and other events that have long gone unseen by most of the public. It’s increasingly a source of breaking news that reverberates across social platforms – a new role for Facebook.
The best thing about Facebook live is there’s a community interaction. Imagine the television, you’re talking to many people at once, unaware of what the audience is thinking. However in live video the audience can talk to you and you can talk right back to them.
In this modern day, vloggers are the group of people who frequently use Facebook live. When it comes to communicating ideas via speaking to a camera, vloggers are revolutionizing how we view video. I recommend Casey Neistat, Erik Conover, and Fun For Louis.
Your story can be shared in many ways: a compelling cover photo, a heart-warming Facebook 360, or even an interactive Facebook live. Your business will be naturally engaging and you will connect with your target audience. The trick is knowing how and when to tell your story.
...Are you looking for ways to turn your Facebook page into a sales machine?
Do you know that Facebook can help you get more customers?
Most business owners don’t have clue that it’s possible to make your Facebook page work for you.
If you’re on the clueless side, it’s not too late. You can learn.
In this post, I’m sharing ways you can achieve your goals even at the beginning of your efforts. But before we dive into that, here are some of the questions small business owners need to ask themselves:
- Is your goal to drive traffic to your site?
- Is your goal to get people to purchase?
- Is your goal to get more walk-ins to your store?
In every goal, there’s actions to take to reach it. Here’s how.
How Do You Make Facebook Page Work For You
Keep your social content updated
Creating a Facebook page doesn’t end there. Though it’s a prerequisite to have a Facebook page before you can start advertising, having one and abandoning, then wait for it’s own brain to do the work for you is not a good idea. It’s just as important to keep your page fresh with regular posts including tips, specials, photos, and videos.
Let’s take the Revlon Philippines Facebook page as an example.
Their last post (timestamp is May 26, 2017, 11:04 AM) is one hour ago which means they constantly post new updates.

Protip: To make your Facebook page active, allot at least 15 minutes a day to post an update about your business.
Link your Facebook page to your website or email signature
I’ve seen websites that have no link to their Facebook page. There are also websites that have Facebook page but not visible enough to locate the link.
If you already have a website, make sure to include social sharing buttons on prominent pages and content. That way people who find something of interest on your site can easily like and share that content on their social media channels.
Here’s a good example from Entrepreneur website.

The Facebook icon is placed on the footer of the website. Even though it’s not on the upper part of the website, it’s still on the homepage.
If you’re going to include a Facebook link on your email signature, you can easily do that with Wisestamp. It’s a web-based email signature creator where you can setup and design an email signature and automatically integrate it on your email.

By linking your Facebook page to your website or email signature, it will increase the chances of getting more fans and engagement.
Come up with different social media content ideas
Here’s a secret you won’t always see – switch your post ideas regularly! This might seem like a lot of work, but there are a few reasons why having new theme frequently can help your Facebook page.
I’m sure there’s a lot of things happening on your business and sharing them with your audience is a great move. You can post about news and upcoming events, upload photos and videos, celebrate milestones, or even share links from other sources that support your business’s message.
Protip: Craft posts that are relevant and valuable to your followers. To help with coming up various topics, here’s our social media marketing template you can download and use as a guide.
Measure results to improve
There are many ways to measure the results of your Facebook page and it begins with one question: What’s your objective? This will help you determine if the results your efforts are driving are hitting the mark. For instance, if your goal is to increase engagement, then you may want to look at reach and engagements as an indicator of success.
To do that, simply go to Insights tab and click Overview.

In a simple glance, you’ll see if there’s an increase or decrease on your metrics.
Engage with your followers
Your Facebook is channel for two-way conversation. Here are the ways to engage with your followers:
- Monitor and listen to comments on posts
- Monitor mentions
- Reply to customer reviews
- Reply to issues you can resolve
- Say thanks to positive post
- Reply to private messages
Let’s take Poracay Resort facebook page as an example of engagement. It shows in the image below that it’s a two-way conversation.

And with the Pages Messaging feature, customers can send you private messages. You can set an automated reply or create a saved reply.

Protip: Take note of your average response time to questions to keep customers informed, happy and engaged.
Launch Facebook ads
Facebook is a pay-to-play platform. If you want to reach more people, you may want to consider advertising. You can advertise for as little as Php 40 or $1 a day. To get started, settle on an objective for your campaign. Do you want to get more likes or engagement to your post? This will give you direction in choosing your objective and your target audience by:
- Location
- Demographics
- Interests
- Behaviors
- Connections
Then, decide where you want to place your ads (news feed, right-hand column, etc.), choose an image and craft texts for your ads.
The easiest way to advertise on Facebook is through boosting a post.

This features allows you to promote an existing post on your page to not only the people who like your page, but their friends and beyond. Just set your budget and target audience and Facebook will do the rest.

Facebook has many ways to promote your business and get it in front of your target audience. But it takes time, money and effort to make your Facebook page work for you. If you have a Facebook page, you surpassed the first step. Following the ways I’ve mentioned above will surely help your business becomes successful on Facebook.
...Are you targeting ads to serve Facebook users in a very specific location?
Do you feel that Facebook is exhausting your city-specific audience and getting high CPCs?
Maybe you need a new approach.
Generally, we select more than one locations to get larger audiences but cheap traffic and scalability. However, it’s not always the case. Some clients prefer to stick in one city because they feel that their target Facebook are living there and get the most benefit out of their business.
Imagine a spa business near you, do you think the business owner will target the people living 25 miles away from its location? I doubt it.
In this article, I’m going to show you ways on how to keep your CPCs lower and get the best possible results from your Facebook ads without sacrificing city-specific geo-targeting.
How To Use Powerful Small Geo-Targeting on Facebook
What is Geo-targeting?
Geo-targeting is the practice of delivering different ads to a Facebook user based on their location. That location can be a city, ZIP Code, IP address, or other location specific criteria.
In the image below, Facebook gives you an option to select your preferred location.

Ways to give your city-specific geo-targeting a boost
In our experience, when an audience size is 1M or up, it will down to under 100K when you apply city-specific geo-targeting. For one client, our audience sizing went from 1 million (with all geos in one ad set) down to under 310k when separating out for geo-targeting.
The comparison below shows you the difference in potential reach when you apply layers of locations and city-specific geo-targeting.

If you have smaller size audiences, CPC bidding is ideal than CPM because the latter can increase your costs and drop conversion rates by 50%. Here are few ways to get the conversion rates back without casting a wide net to all the cities in one ad set:
1. Test higher Lookalikes to increase audience size and bid with oCPM
Expand those winning 1% Lookalikes with higher percentages like 3% or even 5%. The similarities between users in your seed audience become more general and the similar audience becomes more general, and less valuable in turn, it’s still close enough to drive higher conversion rates, especially with oCPM bidding.
For this, try to get the audience size to at least 500,000 and a budget high enough for each ad set to generate 15-25 conversions per week.
2. Test interest-based targeting
While interest targeting is your least priority in ad testing stage, this is the time to test it out. You can layer interests to obtain your goal audience size.
3. Incorporate city-targeting in your copy or image
Let’s say you want to target people who live in New York City. You can create ads for New York city, maybe with an image that is highly relevant to that city and copy that focuses on that city. Calling out the name of the city or making it obvious that it’s highly relevant to the people in New York will give you a boost in conversion rates. .
By using these tips, you can build larger audience for your city-specific targeting in minutes. Facebook can give you many ways to do that but you need to be creative. Each of your campaigns can drive more foot traffic without increasing your ad spend and sticking to what your client wants.
Have you tested out advertising with small geo audiences on Facebook?
What was your experience?
Let us know in the comments!
...According to AdEspresso, Instagram is a highly visual platform unlike Facebook, where links, texts posts, and call to action are competing for your attention alongside images.
Sometimes copy plays a role but it’s totally images are what stand out. Huge companies like Coca Cola, Starbucks and Nike dominate the space.
But how can you use Instagram for small business and startup?
When it’s done right, you definitely can use the power of Instagram.
Imagery, copy, and aesthetic are the factors that complete the whole forefront of Instagram marketing.
In Instagram marketing, if you:
- Get creative with your photos
- Post photos of your products
- Show your product authentically
It’s not a guaranteed that your ads will work well. It takes more than a great picture/video to make a successful Instagram ad.
The best ads work when they are better connected to the target market. Try the 3 tips below, and see how authentically successful your visual marketing can be.
3 Creative Instagram Tips For Small Businesses And Startups
Instagram Tip #1
Have A Theme
Think of your feed as the landing page on your website, complete with a color scheme and specific style.
Whenever you launch an ad, it creates impacts to the brand awareness of your company in the marketplace. Your brand is what others say about you not what you think it is. All of your Instagram content should reaffirm your brand.
How to specifically do this:
- Showcase your product in the ads using a specific color palette or prop
- Ensure the company logo is included
Having a theme enables the audience to begin to recognize your brand, capitalize on this and make it so that they are so captivated by it that they engage with instantly.
For example, influencer marianna_hewitt maintains her personal brand by ensuring all her sponsored images have a similar look by using specific filters, regardless of which product she’s endorsing:

Via marianna_hewitt
Cetaphil makes sure that their ad promoting new products align with their corporate branding, which frequently uses blue and green:

Via Cetaphil

Similar color usage on the Cetaphil website
Instagram Tip #2
Determine the Goal
Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, reaching people near your business, driving traffic to a website, getting app installs, selling a product, or generating leads, make sure you have a goal to achieve and the ad supports the desired action you want your target audience to do.
It’s cliché but the ad creative needs to be relevant to the objective.
Fitness guru Kayla Itsines uses video ads of her demonstrating her workout routines to promote installing her mobile app:

Via kayla_itsines
PLDT Home encourages Instagram users to avail their product by applying online:

Via pldthome
Here are the following ideas for ways to make your ad creative relevant to your goal:
- Create a visual portfolio of your work
- Shoot a product demo and answer FAQs
- Highlight special offers and events
- Invite fan and follower submissions via hashtags
- Humanize your brand
- Increase engagement on Facebook
Instagram Tip #3
Think Like Your Audience To Keep Your Audience
Imagine yourself as your target audience.
Look at everything from that group’s point of view.
That’s the first thing you need to do before you start any marketing activities. When you think like your audience this affects your entire marketing strategy.
After you have identified and segmented your audience, you need to determine how best to reach each group. Ask yourself the following questions:
- What does my audience want?
- What do they care about?
- What do they dislike?
- What social media platform do they hang out?
Only after you find the answers to these questions will you be able to speak to your audience and have them listen and respond. Once you have clearly defined your audience, you must tailor your message to speak to them.
Coca Cola collaborated with popular artist today lizasoberano to target millennials and show how she thinks the product can make her afternoon better:

Via lizasoberano
Wrapping Up
When creating Instagram ads, there’s no need to guess how your images will perform.
By understanding which images are resonating with your Instagram followers, you can refine your ad strategy and deliver true value to both the broader Instagram community and your brand.
Protip: Once you’ve launched your ad, make sure to make notes on what targeting options, placements, budget, and bid type you used. Once the ad’s run is finished, you can evaluate the performance of the ad compared to the overall goal. Those insights you will get can help you determine the next steps to implement to your ads.
...Do you run post campaigns on Facebook hoping that it will gain (a lot of) engagements?
What campaign creative do you use?
Do you use video, static image, carousel, or gif?
Have you ever wondered if a certain creative could be more effective than the other?
In this post, we’ll compare the 2 most popular and most-used creatives for page post engagement.
But first…
What Available Creatives You Can Use?
When you create a Facebook ad, you’ll be asked to upload a creative.

When it comes to choosing the creative for page post engagement, most experienced advertisers pick a static image.
Ad Creatives: What can you use?
- Carousel – Sequence of images or videos in a single ad.
- Video – Telling your story in just minimum of 15 seconds.
- Slideshow – Use a series of images to build an engaging video.
- Static Image – Use a compelling single image.
In my experiment, I compared Video and Static Image.
What are the benefits of Video and Static Image?
With the video, the main goal is to captivate people with a story about your brand, products or company.
It’s highly recommended to tell your story in 15 seconds or less to get your entire message across to more people. According to Facebook, short video tend to perform better on mobile.
On the other hand, using a static image is powerful to capture people’s imagination.
You can get creative as you want.
Lifestyle images and illustration tend to attract people’s attention.
But is Static Image always better than Video?
” Videos are better for driving Facebook views, engagement (Likes and comments) but images are actually better for clicks. People will watch videos and spend more time watching your ads but images are more easily scannable. When scrolling, people will decide within 3 seconds if they want to click your photo ads whereas it will take them more time when it comes to videos.”
– Jonathan Aufray (Growth Hackers)
Marketers said that 2017 is the year of video but I won’t deny that static images have been very successful based on my own experience.
I’ve had this burning question in the back of my mind.
Should you try to convey the message about your brand through video (running video ad) or compel your target audience through a creative static image (1,200 x 628 pixels non interactive image ad) to increase Facebook engagement?
I decided to run an experiment for a leisure company.
Background of the Experiment
The company wants to achieve these objectives:
- Promote awareness of their new attractions
- Acquire reservation inquiries
- Increase their Page Likes
- Create a dynamic Facebook page
- Making sure posts are getting high engagement
All of these objectives boil down into one ultimate outcome – increase their sales by 10x this year.
To make the campaign more successful, we’ve created a landing page. The landing features an inquiry form and visitor clicks on the “Submit” button. In other words, it refers to a written request for more information regarding the reservation.
I ran the ads using the same targeting options, landing page, and campaign objectives.
Are you ready to find out what my results were?
Wait, before I reveal them, let me give you an idea first my campaign setup.
The Campaign Setup
First, I created an ad within Power Editor with promoted posts. As I’ve mentioned, the experiment is done using Page Post Engagement campaign objective.
The landing page has a contact form where a visitor will be asked to input the name, phone number, email address, date, number of adult, number of child, and a message. The screenshot below shows you the inquiry form.

For the same campaign objective, I chose two creatives. The first creative is a video and the other one is a static image. Both of them have already been posted on the Facebook page.
To track if we’re getting leads through the landing page, we placed a pixel on the thank you page (the page they hit after clicking the ‘Submit’ button).
In both creatives, I used the same campaign and targeting.
Let’s take a look at the results.
The Results: Video Ad
I spent a total of $30.19 to acquire 37,464 engagements and reach 50,427 people in 21 days.
And these were my results:
- Frequency: 3.45
- Engagement: 37,464
- Cost Per Engagement: $0.0007
- Leads: 4
- Cost per Lead: $7.54
- CTR (All): 8.75%
The Results: Static Image
I spent a total of $0.58 to acquire 313 engagements and reach 2,630 people in 21 days.
And these were my results:
- Frequency: 1.04
- Engagement: 313
- Cost Per Engagement: $0.0019
- Leads: 0
- Cost per Lead: $0
- CTR (All): 13.56%
The Comparison
The analysis is pretty simple. I looked at the 3 metrics that I think are important:
- Amount Spent
- Total Number of Engagement
- Cost per Engagement
Here’s how the results for both campaigns looked like for the total number of engagement generated.

Side note: What about the Clickthrough Rate (CTR)?
As some of you may have noticed, the Static image creative achieved 13.56% CTR while the video creative got a lower 8.75%.
The reason behind this is because we’re running a post engagement campaign and the number of engagement is purely based on the objective’s algorithm.
Moral of the story
In this experiment, it is proven that video is performing well than the static image. The fact that we’re running a post engagement objective and people are now comfortable seeing videos in their newsfeed, it’s acceptable that video is the winner.
Plus, the video has collected and insane amount of increase in facebook engagement way before I started the experiment. Facebook’s algorithm might be giving the video more exposure because of its existing data.
In fact 85% of all internet users in United States are watching different video types online monthly, and that’s a big population, roughly around 256.7 million people.
But, what can you learn from this?
You should always be testing on Facebook.
You never know another campaign creative might just work better for your niche!
Have you tried doing an experiment like this?
What were the results?
Let me know in the comments below!
...Looking for ways on how to build Facebook Audience but you’re not quite sure where to find them?
Do you have a great product, service, or offer but you’re not sure how to get it in front of your next customer?
And did you know that 78% of American Consumers discovered products that they wanted to buy via Facebook ads?
As a beginner, these are the types of questions you ask yourself when placing a Facebook ad.
Well, it’s possible to target your ideal audience even you start from scratch.
In this article I’ll share three ways to target Facebook users with your ads, many you’ve likely not considered.
Build New Audience Through Facebook Fans
There’s one way to show your ad to people who have liked your Facebook page.
Target People Who Are Similar To Your Facebook Fans
One way is to use lookalike audience where you target all the people who have the same interest and behavior.
This targeting is ideal for Facebook pages with very few likes. If you have a business page which has more than 2000 likes, you can target your own fans aside from this targeting.
Start by going to the Audiences section in your Facebook Ads Manager. Click Create Audience. Select Lookalike Audience.

You can choose multiple target audience size in one lookalike.

Now you are starting to build Facebook audience, and you can target your Facebook fans.
Build New Audience Through Your Existing Email List
There are two ways to show your ad to people who have subscribed to your email list.
Target People Who Are In Your Email List
One way is to target all the people who have subscribed to your email list and show your ad when they log in to Facebook.
Remember that if you upload 1000 email address, Facebook doesn’t guarantee that they will be showing your ads to 1000 email addresses
To start, click Choose Create Audience and select Custom Audience.

Then Select Customer File and click Choose a file.

Upload the CSV file or choose the other option.

Now the audience starts building, and you can target those email subscribers.
Target People Who Are Similar To Your Subscribers
You can create lookalike audiences from email lists you’ve uploaded.
Start by going to the Audiences section in your Facebook Ads Manager.
Then, select click Create Audience and select Lookalike Audience.

Then, select the email list you want to create a lookalike, country of your target audience and percentage of similarity.

Reach People Who Visited Your Website
Your website visitors are the people who are most interested in your product and services because they took the time to browse your web pages.
It is ideal to target customers who already know you because they will likely avail your product or services.
Now, you have two ways to make the most out of your website visitors.
Retarget People Who Visited Your Website
Facebook has a retargeting feature similar with Google AdWords. You can target all the people who have visited your sales website or a specific web page.
To do this, you need to set up website retargeting well in advance of when you need it. Once you install the pixel to your website, the audience starts building from that moment on.
To create an audience where you can target your website visitors, start by going to Audiences.
Then, select Create Audience and click Custom Audience.
Choose Website Traffic.

Choose a specific retargeting option.
Protip: Create an audience of all people who visited your website before any retargeting option. The more conditions you select, the less number of potential reach you’re going to get.

Then, type in the domain name of your website. If you want to show your ad to people who visited your website in the last 7, 30, or 180 days, simply input your desired number.

Reach People Similar to People Who Have Visited Your Website
You can create lookalike audiences from website visitors.
Go to the Audiences section of the Facebook Ads Manager and select Lookalike Audience from the Create Audience drop-down menu.
Then, select the Source. It’s the name of the website custom audience targeting all your website visitors.
Also, choose the country and percentage of similarity that matches the criterion.

One important thing you need to do is to create all your audiences first running any ad so you can save time, money and effort.
I recommend to do your own testing to find out what audience gives you the best results. Once you get comfortable with these audiences, you may explore other targeting using interest, behavior, and demographic.
...Do you know that brands are heavily using video in their Facebook?
Marketers believe that 2017 is the year of video and the ideal platform where most videos got shared is Facebook.
When it comes to finding the right platform to promote your video, Facebook is a strong contender.
Whether you’re spreading brand awareness, announcing a new product launch, or launch a company, quality and emotional driven branded video campaign makes customers feel emotionally connected.
In this article, you’ll find the ten best Facebook Video Ad examples that are inspiring and tickle the emotion of the viewers. Plus, we’re going to give you tips and tricks on how to create great video ads on Facebook.
See Philippine Brands’ Facebook Video Ads Of 2017
1. BEAR BRAND Adult Plus
Bear Brand has always been quick to adopt influential celebrities and incorporate them into their strategy. They teamed up with Alden Richards and managed to create something relatable — regardless of his celebrity status. For the #TibayForWorkGoals campaign, Bear Brand launched a video ad to promote strength and of course, a positive brand image.

2. Belo Essentials
Always perfectly in tune with their audience when it comes to their advertising campaigns. The newest video reaches working girls by powerful message that leaves a positive outlook in their lives.

3. Bonakid Pre-School
The video turns to be engaging to moms and their kids. This is a powerful example of using a dance video to spread brand awareness and a positive message.

4. COCA-COLA Philippines
Food is said to be the one thing that is always certain to bring families together. In their latest video campaign, Coca Cola — a carbonated drink company — suggests food can be enjoyed with their drink.
They teamed up with Yummy, a food magazine to create this how-to video and found a way to connect with a huge audience — garnering over 1 million views.

5. Del Monte Kitchenomics
Del Monte, a food and beverage company created a recipe video to help viewers create a new twist to their usual “adobo” recipe.
What’s great about this video is they use the national viand of the Philippines which is adobo and come up with their version.

6. Globe Telecom
Globe Telecom, a telecommunication company, uses Disney’s Beauty and the Beast forward to their full advantage.
While the campaign is obviously centered around the Disney’s most-awaited movie of the year and has little to do with the brand itself, Globe Telecom video mentioned their product through texts and not on the video. It shows a prime example of how the most successful video ads focus more on the story, than the product itself.

7. KidZania Manila
In KidZania Manila’s new video campaign, they embraced their “inner child” in an effort to promote their brand.
What’s great about this video is that it showed kids having fun and learning at the same time.

8. L’Oreal Paris Philippines
The campaign #NeverFail is a great example of brand and influencer collaboration. L’Oreal Paris featured Solenn Heusaff, an actress and a make-up artist, to showcase their newly-launched product.

9. Nestea
The NESTEA #PlungeToPledge is a digital campaign that promotes environmental awareness among consumers, the direct result of which will be cleaner beaches.
Rather than leveraging how-to like the Coca Cola video, it provokes empathy with viewers. Who doesn’t get to plunge when watching videos of people plunge too? Now, those sentimental feelings translate with consumers when thinking about Nestea.

10. Philippine Airlines
Facebook has become infused in our society, making FOMO, or the fear of missing out, a real thing. Meeting friends, and sharing your life with those friends, is the business of Facebook.
Philippine Airlines took advantage of the current society. In this video, it perfectly portrays how people can connect with others who share similar interests by showcasing beautiful destinations in the Philippines.

As promised, here our top four tips to create a great Facebook video ad.
4 Tips to create great video ads on Facebook
Showcase real emotions
Facebook allows targeting based on real people. So it’s better to have a video that emphasizes emotion from the beginning, middle, and until the end.
Capture your viewer’s first three seconds
Facebook autoplay each video on Facebook feed and pause it when people scroll past it. So, make sure to catch person’s attention in the first three seconds.
Make sure it’s engaging even without captions
As a person scrolls down in their News Feed, each video starts playing without sound. Make sure that even without captions, your audience get the message visually.
Be authentic
Brands and marketers spend a big chunk of their marketing budget to broadcast their ad. But be vigilant, because Facebook prioritize user engagement over direct selling. Ensure that you are showing authentic story and the content of the video is engaging.
What’s your favorite Facebook video ad? Share your thoughts in the comments.
...Is creating a Facebook ad mockup part of your entire planning and strategy process?
Looking for way to share it with your boss or client without trying to screenshot every single ad you’ve created?
There’s now a solution.
Featuring Facebook’s new tool – Creative Hub.
What is Creative Hub
The Creative Hub allows you to create mockups for any Facebook or Instagram ad unit easily.
It’s first tested to more than 30 years agencies to build a revolutionary experience that’s now ready for the entire industry to use.
Here are what people say about the Creative Hub,
“Using tools like Creative Hub to better understand and explore innovative advertising products helps us to push creative boundaries. This is especially important if we want to adapt quickly to new technology(s) to create ground-breaking work.” – Julian Cole, Head of Communications Planning at BBDO
“To be able to use this tool to build adverts in situ on Facebook and Instagram makes it much easier for us to present ideas in the way that people experience them, and ultimately helps enable our clients’ brands to connect to their audience.” – James Temple, EVP MD Executive Creative Director EMEA, R/GA
“Creative Hub has streamlined the process of producing concepts for Facebook and Instagram, saving us time, providing a consistent framework and the magic of demoing creative to clients on their mobile devices.” – Sam Gibbs, Emerging Technologies Director, Grey London
As an advertiser that creates and manages display or social campaigns, creating mockups is crucial in ensuring that the vision and goal of an ad unit is there when you bring ad creative to life.
Creative Hub’s list of supported Current Mockup ad units
The Creative Hub allows you to create mockups for any Facebook or Instagram ad unit easily.
- Carousel Ad
- Canvas Ad
- Video Ad
- 360 Video Ad
- Video Link Ad
- Slideshow Ad
- Image Ad
- Website Link Ad
- Instagram Stories
- Image Ad
- Video Ad
- Carousel Ad
How To Create A Facebook Ad MockUp: Step by Step Instructions
As an example, we will create a website link ad mockup. Let’s walk through a mockup right now.
Note: Make sure you are login to your Ads Manager or Business Manager.
1. Click Creative Hub.

2. Choose Image. Find Facebook Website Link Ad. Then click, Create Mockup.

3. Fill in all the elements of a Facebook or Instagram Ad unit available. If you’ve missed one element, the tool will give you an error message. Below, we put in some example text and imagery for our mockup link ad. Once done, you will see the preview of the ad in different placements: News Feed, Mobile News Feed, Feature Phone, or Right Column Ad.

Protip: To ensure that you’re uploading an image that will pass the Facebook image text rating, we suggest clicking the Image Text Check.

4. Click Save.
How To Share the Facebook Ad Mockup
Now, you’re set to share the output to your boss or client.
To get the shareable link for a live preview of the ad, click the arrow button.

You’ll see the shareable link for the example ad we’ve created here.
It will show up as “shared by ____ (the name on your Business Manager account). (If you’re using a personal account to log into Business Manager, keep in mind that your name will appear.)
You will also have the option of sending the ad to your mobile device and viewing the ad preview directly in your Facebook app. To do that, check out the screenshot below.

That’s it!
You can now create your first mockup.
The only drawback with this tool is there’s no way to automatically import it to Power Editor. But let’s wait and see. Facebook might have this feature in the near future.
For more information, go straight to the source or reach out to EmergeLocal for any social media marketing needs.