Emerge CEO Empowers the Healthcare Industry with recent webinar
To help businesses in the healthcare industry to be customer-centric and apply the digital-first approach in their business process during these uncertain times, Emerge recently held its webinar presented by its own CEO, Richard Noromor.
Entitled “Empowering the Healthcare Industry: A Customer-Centric Digital-first Approach”, the livestream event went online on the Emerge Facebook page last May 13, 2022.
Its main objectives were to have a better understanding of the customer-centric digital-first approach.
Also, to make marketers in the industry be aware of creating a customer-centric and digital-first approach marketing initiatives for consumers and to improve digital-first health consumers’ experiences.
Before the pandemic, the most effective way of promoting a product, especially in the healthcare industry, was through traditional and offline marketing. This includes launching radio ad campaigns, print advertisements, and out-of-home ads.
However, the buying behavior of every consumer is greatly affected after the pandemic has begun. In order to continuously reach and satisfy the needs of the consumers, healthcare businesses must learn how to utilize the power of digital marketing.
But first, what’s the digital-first approach?
The digital-first approach means setting your plan and strategy through the use of different online platforms or tools and adapting it offline.
One of the goals of the digital-first approach is to improve digital consumers’ discovery experience.
This type of customer-centric approach will ensure that every customer will be at ease whenever they are looking for a business that will suit their needs.
Most importantly, the overall customer experience needs to be considered by the business because it’s the collective result of emotions and perceptions of a customer toward a product.
Richard Noromor shared the following tips on designing a customer-centric digital-first approach in marketing initiatives focused on the healthcare industry:
Practice empathy-based marketing
Healthcare customers, according to Rob Klein and Partners, prefer empathetic healthcare providers over non-empathic healthcare providers. Customers in our current situation choose healthcare providers that give high value to what they feel.
Make innovations
The role of technology in the healthcare industry is to communicate easily with your customers. Furthermore, advancements in healthcare equipment will meet the demands of healthcare customers.
Enable omnichannel customer experience
Educating healthcare consumers through various channels is the most effective approach to engage with them. Healthcare consumers are more likely to give positive feedback to healthcare providers who provide extensive information about their services, whether online or offline.
Adopt data-driven analytics
Utilizing data analytics in the healthcare industry will result in better decision-making. The information acquired from data analytics will assist the healthcare business in gaining consumer insights to better optimize their service.
Finally, Richard also shared some steps businesses in the healthcare industry can take to improve the digital health experience for their consumers:
Maximize the use of social media
Creating a healthcare marketing campaign on social media, especially in Facebook will reach a huge number of audience that can be converted into potential customers. Additionally, the best way to engage easily with healthcare customers is through the use of social media platforms. So make sure you are visible where your customers are.
Listen to your patients online
Customer feedback has a huge impact on the buying behavior of a person. Nowadays, healthcare consumers are relying on testimonials or reviews before availing a product or service from a healthcare provider.
Offer online scheduling
With the current situation, online booking is the most effective and safest way of scheduling a meeting with your clients. Around 41.4% of the Philippine population are using online platforms on scheduling their appointments with their service providers.
Use Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
When looking for a service online, the majority of Filipinos use keywords. With the help of technological innovation, particularly SEM, patients can make better selections when choosing a healthcare provider.
The livestream event ended with an invite for all businesses to have a free consultation or have conversations with Emerge’s subject matter experts which you can also do right now at www.emerge.com.ph
Did not catch the livestream? Don’t worry!
Watch the full webinar here:
“What I learned from the webinar is that every business, especially the healthcare industry needs to implement a digital-first and customer-centric approach on their marketing campaigns. Businesses must carefully scrutinize each step with a digital-first approach in creating an effective digital marketing campaign. During the pandemic, we are not allowed to go outside to check on our health, however, thanks to technology innovation and digital marketing, healthcare consumers can now virtually meet with their healthcare practitioners for an e-consultation. Some tips were like a lightbulb moment so I’m glad I got to watch this webinar,” shared by one of the viewers.
With the constant challenge in digital marketing, Emerge is always utilizing the digital-first approach which has helped most businesses in achieving their business and digital goals altogether. For more success stories and case studies, you may check our resources here.